
Conversations With Mobility Leaders: The Changing Role Of Mobility

Published: Thursday, November 2, 2023
Sirva Communications

Sirva regularly engages Mobility thought leaders to discuss the latest challenges and opportunities facing the mobility community, and to share ideas and strategies. In the next installment of our “Conversations With Mobility Leaders” series, we explore the changing role of the Mobility function and how it can impact talent acquisition, deployment, and retention.

Following are highlights of our discussions on this topic. Please be sure to read our full summary for details on the present and future of the Mobility function’s place in organizations, and how leaders can best articulate its importance and value.

  • The Changing Role Of Mobility Blog GraphicDrivers of Mobility Scope Expansion many Mobility leaders have indicated that the Mobility function in their organization is responsible for a growing scope of work, including employee relocation, business travel, and duty of care programs. This makes their responsibilities broad, but also gives them a more integrated view of employee moves.
  • Economic and Scope of Work Pressures are Impacting Mobility Leaders global volatility is impacting Mobility leaders who are increasingly dealing with situations that need a fast response without having established blueprints in place. This has put many Mobility teams into the executive leadership spotlight and made business leaders appreciate the value of their expertise, giving them a chance to be truly consultative.
  • Articulating Value in the Face of Evolving Mobility Perceptions recent significant shifts in work structures have challenged Mobility leaders to articulate the value and purpose of moving employees. This highlights the need for the Mobility and HR functions to continually assess new opportunities and threats, and educate internal stakeholders about the evolving complexities and contributions of employee mobility.

Organizations are seeing that the role of employee mobility, and the Mobility function as a whole, is changing considerably. This gives Mobility the opportunity to move into a more consultative role and be a bigger part of developing strategic approaches to global workforce planning and deployment. Promoting the strategic aspects of Mobility’s role has never been more relevant, or important.


If you are interested in joining Sirva’s “Conversations with Mobility Leaders” program, please email us at reach out to your Sirva representative.


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